Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Show: Lone Star

Before I get in to my thoughts on this show I want to say Happy Chuseok, especially to all of my students and Korean friends.  Google even got in to the spirit today which was really cool.

Now on to Lone Star.

I have to admit that it took me three tries to watch this show.  It wasn't on my original list of new Fall TV but then after reading a couple of reviews for it I decided to give it a try.
The show, that airs on Fox Monday nights, is set in Texas (Midland and Houston to be exact) and follows a con man and his con man dad.  To be completely honest with you I don't remember anyone's names from the show except for the Houston wife, Kit.  Anyway, the con man is living two separate lives with two different families.  He is using them to grift the oil businesses of Texas but then falls in love with the women and the lives they give him and decide to go straight to his father's chagrin.  Now, that is what I got from it and I could be totally off because I was lulled to sleep by Jon Voight's soothing Texas accent.  Is he Texan because if he isn't give him a damn award for that accent right now!  Besides his accent putting me to sleep it was a little boring in the middle and there were a ton of characters to try and keep track of.

My verdict is that if you didn't watch it Monday night you may not want to worry about it because it might not be around for mid season replacements unless they lose some characters and speed things up.  I am going to try another episode but not too excited about this one.

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