Thursday, May 5, 2011

Things Students Say Thursday

I have been a big slacker on this one (Sorry Erin)... hell on all of the fun and fluffies I have been doing on my blog.  It's just been the shit hitting the fan kind of month, I guess.  Anyway, here's to some fun and fluffy.

"Miss, are you and your husband related?"

"Um, no... if we were related we wouldn't be married."  Apparently, we look alike to some of my non-Caucasian students past and present.  You decide...

1 comment:

Erin said...

It's all good girl, you know I love you. I think the meme's going to go on a summer vacation at the end of May. No point in continuing over summer, and I'll just pick it up when I get back.

LOVE this comment, btw! Don't you just love when the kids call you "miss?" I get that ALL the time! Love that first picture of you and Mr. Dub-Yuh! You two DO have similarly shaped eyes and smiles!