Friday, August 27, 2010

I Had a Great Idea!

As part of my "get to know you" routine for the first day of classes I decided to have the students make nameplates for their desks.  Even though they are middle school/high school age they still like to decorate things.  A while back I had gotten a bunch of nameplates in the $1 bin at Target before school had started and had never used them.  I handed them out to the kids with some markers and told them to write their names (each Korean kid has an English name) that they wanted me to call them and to decorate it if they liked.

When they finished with their nameplates I had them stand against the wall and hold them up mugshot style while I took their picture.  I also took a group photo of each class (unfortunately I have had a couple of kids moved around and now my pictures aren't accurate).  I have been VERY fortunate in getting a color printer in my room this year so I printed all of the students photos (with them holding their nameplate) out.

I also have the kids fill out an Information Sheet so that I can gather some basic information (do your parents speak English? do you like math?).  This year I took all the information sheets and the photos and built class student books.  I used binders and clear page protectors.  The front page contains the class syllabus and then each page when it is open like a book contains the student's info sheet on the left and their photo on the right with the class photos at the end of each group of students.

I am quite proud of myself because it looks great and it has really sped up me learning their names.  I have not a snowball's chance in hell of ever really having their full Korean name down but I have at least what to call them in class down and I have only seen them twice this week and only once was for a real class (we are on block schedule and the first day was used to give them a placement test).

If it weren't for having the student's information posted I would totally post pictures.  But it is a great idea for all you teacher folk out there!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

I smell a budding scrapbooker in the works...I love this idea so much I wish I was a teacher just so I could do it. :)