Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's Cold!

Okay, if you follow me on Twitter you may have noticed that I have went from bitching about it being too hot to now being too cold.  I feel frozen all the time lately.  Part of this has to do with the fact that my hubby doesn't want to turn the heat on in the house.  The house has radiant floor heating that is attached to a MASSIVE hot water boiler behind it.  I can't even imagine how much water is in this boiler and how much electricity it will take to heat it.  It had been on when we first moved in but when we got our first MASSIVE electricity bill Adam put it to sleep.  Now it is cold and our house seems to always be at a constant freezing temperature even when it heats up outside.  When I got home from work the other day I even opened the windows hoping that it would change the coldness in the house... it didn't  because it was only like 60F outside and Adam looked at me like I was nuts when he got home and I had the windows open and curled up in blankets.

I have to keep reminding myself we are living here and not on post because it is easier for me to get to work.  I am about a 1 minute drive from here as opposed to the 1hour minimum through the city from post.  I am very grateful for that.  I hate driving and I couldn't even begin to imagine a commute everyday through Grand Theft Auto: Daegu (not even kidding here it is like driving in a video game but not as fun).

Thankfully, this weekend we picked up a couple of space heaters at the PX and they have done wonders for the living room.  The bedroom is good because I like it cool when I sleep plus we have an awesome down comforter that makes you sweat no matter how cold it is outside.  If only I had my puppies to pile up and I would really be set.  Oh well, they are keeping mom and dad company and warm.

I was here last Christmas when it was FREEZING and I am not looking forward to what is to come.  Having lived in Texas the last 5 years and New Mexico the 2 before that I really haven't had winter in a while.  Daegu unfortunately has the distinction of being not only the hottest (I can vouch for that) but the COLDEST place in Korea.  Lucky Me!

Oh and to top things off I seem to have not packed in anything we brought my favorite beanie and scarves.  Ugh! This will be a long wait to Spring even though if it is going to herald in another summer like we had I will keep winter at least I can pile on the sweaters and blankets.


Mrs. F said...

Yep, I woke up to 35 degrees this morning and DC is under a frost watch! Those hot and humid days of summer seem a long way off....

Unknown said...

I know it has really been cold here lately!! Not really happy about it at all!!

By the way, I left you a little... "somethin' somethin' " over at my blog