Another installation of MFF... and away we go... {Go to if you wanna play.}
Aside from no deployments, what is one thing you would want to make the MilSpouse life “perfect”?
You know I really don't know and I really don't know if I would want a "perfect" life. We strive for "normal" we treat our life like we would if Adam wasn't in the military and every once in a while we step back and ask ourselves... "If Adam had a regular job would we do .... ?" If the answer is no then usually we don't do it. I don't like the term MilSpouse for this reason. Even though we are a special breed I am not in the military and if he was in Middle Management somewhere I wouldn't call myself a Management Spouse or whatever.
Just how many peppers did Peter Piper pick?
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers which really and truly is 2 gallons or approximately 8.8098 liters. So, depending on what type of pickled peppers he was picking (I am going with jalapenos) I would estimate that about 30 peppers fit in a gallon bag therefore he picked about 60 peppers. Yep, I am a math teacher... recognize!
If you could have any career in the world with nothing holding you back, what would you do?
I became an engineer because I wanted to be an astronaut... even started my application a few years ago but didn't do the physical assessment portion and so it was never complete. I would love to go to space it is just so full of possibility.
Do you have a service oriented tattoo and if so what is it. If you don’t what would you get?
Nope he is in the service not me. I don't believe in putting other people's names or super personal things about one person (unless it is your kid or your mama) because I am a realist and most domestic relationships end and I have heard that tattoo removal is not as fun as the tattoo process.
Imagine a block of time has opened up in your busy day for you to take a class in anything you like. What subject would you choose?
I am actually getting ready to go back to school... I have to take a 400-500 level Math class and get an A to be accepted to the program. It is Attrition for the social life that I lived while paying for my undergrad degree.
Cheers from one astronaut hopeful to another! Alas, I doubt I would be physically qualified. Does the looming death of the shuttle program make you as sad as it does me? I can't believe our country is abdicating its manned spaceflight capability.
Did you see my post yesterday on Twitter where I was mentioning being terrible at math?? LOL....that's a very well thought out mathematical response to the peppers questions ;)
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