Well, I have been lacking in my blogginess. Is that a word? But it has been a crazy summer. I feel like school just let out and I had to work that wierd Saturday. But now I am staring down the barrel of a new school year at Shoemaker HS. I am actually looking forward to going back but dreading at the same time. I have been having dreams about teaching and the first day of school. It is just really weird.
This time last year was such a different feeling than this. I had no clue what to expect and now I know exactly what I am going to do. It is really refreshing.
This summer has been certainly crazy. I had planned on a kicked back summer where I would swim and read, read and swim. But instead we have done a great deal of driving through the midwest, seen a great deal of movies and then there has been the swimming and reading. I have read Skin Trade by Laurell K Hamilton, Finger Lickin' Fifteen by Janet Evanovich, The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrie Neffinegger, Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris, Blackwood Farm by Anne Rice, and The Rough Guide to Korea. I am currently engrossed in Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella. This is all on top of taking a 30 day fitness challenge with EA Active for the Wii and becoming almost known by name at Jason's Deli. Oh and not to mention Adam building me a beautiful wall to wall bookcase!
Our traveling has taken us to Wichita, KS with my mom to visit my aunt's and uncle's there. That was fun and made my mom happy. Then there was the nightmare trip to Fort Riley so Adam could clear since he had broken his ankle and didn't deploy from there. But even though it was a total clusterf*** we did get to detour up to Omaha, Nebraska and see Adam's sister, Danielle, her hubby, James, and cutie, David "The Outlaw Josie Gipe."
Even without the AC the first night we still had fun seeing them.
In July, the Willingham clan came down to TexAss to visit with Adam since they wouldn't be seeing him for over a year. We had Jack & Karen, Uncle Doug & Aunt Cindy and the Nebraska clan, Dani, James and The Outlaw, on their way to Lousiana where the AF told them they will be moving and needed to find a place to live. We have also been to Dallas and Austin this summer just getting out of the house.
I am already looking forward to the future. With the start of school comes Labor Day weekend and I need to get some cool plans especially since the hubby is gone and I will be baching it here in TexAss. I know MommyTaco and BabyTaco are planning a visit to see me and I am looking forward to that. Chicken n Dumplings and lots of wine in that future! Past that I know I have a Thanksgiving trip to Washington to see my family and as many friends as I can fit in to the short week there. Then to visit Adam in Korea for Christmas. I get to use my passport for the first time!! And my BFF Kate getting married in June. This will be a busy year. Staying busy is always good when it is just me and the pups. It keeps me from running my phone bill up too high calling anyone I know and from talking to the dogs like a crazy person. And although the year ahead is one to look forward to it is yet another one that I have to endure separated from Adam and that really sucks. What is worse is that since we got together 6 years ago we have been apart more than we have physically been together. But what can you do? We are Army Strong. (right?)
Anyway, here's to a summer down and winter ahead and another great year at Robert Shoemaker HS teaching Math. I really can't believe how much I have enjoyed teaching and there were so many great moments last year that totally solidified it for me. The best was getting a Thank You note from a senior who felt she wouldn't have passed her tests and graduated without me. That just makes you feel all ooey gooey inside even when you have all the other bad stuff to deal with too.
Okay, I have rambled on and on and I will stop now. I won't promise to blog more because I am hoping to stay pretty busy if not we will just have to see. But until then. Au Revoir.
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