Thursday, September 9, 2010

30 Days of Me - Day 10

Day 10 is a photo taken of me over ten years ago.

I chose this photo of my mom and me on my 21st birthday.  I was living in Anchorage, Alaska at my aunt and uncle's house going to UAA to make up the 2 classes that I had failed the semester before at UI.  I was a on a bit of a hiatus from UI to get my head on right since I wasn't doing well in my academic or my romantic life.
I turned 21 in February and my mom flew up to spend the week with me.  For my birthday my family took me to Red Robin (my favorite American restaurant) and my mom gave me this sage advice, "It's all downhill from here."  At the time I was like "yeah whatever" but these last 10.5 years have FLOWN by... and this February I will be *gasp* THIRTY TWO YEARS OLD. **swoon**


Bella N Chief said...

*GASP* 32 isn't soooo bad. I'm really still 29 if people ask tho. tee hee!

Unknown said...

32 sort of snuck up on me, though. I feel like I was just having my 21st birthday. But what is the saying "you are only as old as you feel?"